…und dann sagte sie, "Halte diesen Faden."
Upcoming: With My Face Against the Future
Mcclean Project for the Arts, April 13 - June 10 2023

The three of us watched the horizon dissolve, each from our own position, as what we understood as the firm boundaries that define reality - sky and ground, us and them, meaning and nonsense - were rearranged before our very eyes. All that held up the sky - meaning, rules, words, that thin sliver of code that separates heaven from earth - was tilled into the dirt, and a false night flooded our spaces as we were ordered to abandon all we had come to know and cherish with the exception of one another. We lost. Not everything, but a lot.
I felt that I was witnessing
the result of the crisis of paleolithic people separating the animal out of their thus-to-be human heads, and what we call “the underworld” has, as its impulse, such a catastrophe behind it.
- Clayton Eshelman, from the preface… Hades in Manganese