Anxiety / Agency
My approach to these paintings is skewed, and indirect - an attempt to mimic anxiety by keeping the work in the peripheries physically, and mentally. Color selections are not random, but they are not dwelled upon, either. I don’t work from a prepared palette, but from a chaotic pile of paint tubes. Each color is direct from the tube, or mixed and used once. Residue from one color is often mixed into the next (further destabilizing the process), and the process is repeated. Layers of color are built up, and then broken down with solvents, and abrasives.
The materiality of these paintings is intentional. The dimension off the wall, and the treatment of the edges suggests these paintings are, in a sense, continuous, and of their own accord. They go beyond representation [violate mimesis in every sense] - they cannot represent the world (inner, or outer) because they are, as Baudrillard suggests, a part of the world.