Inspiration is the unforeseen quantity, the muse that assails at the hidden hour. The arrows fly and one is unaware of being struck, and that a host of unrelated catalysts have joined clandestinely to form a system of its own, rendering one with the vibrations of an incredible disease - a burning imagination - at once unholy and divine. - Patti Smith

The Odyssey, Homer

Dedalus, Chris McCabe

Hamlet, William Shakespeare

Duchamp’s Last Day, Donald Shambroom

In the Dust of This Planet: The Horror of Philosophy Vol.1, Eugene Thacker

Pan and the Nightmare: Two Essays, Wilhelm Heinrich Roscher and James Hillman

It’s no longer he, but let us proceed as if it were still he, he at last, who hears, and trembles, and is delivered over, to affliction and the struggle to withstand it, the starting eye, the labouring mind.

— Samuel Beckett, The Unnamable

Slavoj Zizek - Absolute Recoil: Toward a New Foundation of Dialectical Materialism, Looking Awry

Gilles Deleuze - Lecture Transcripts on Spinoza’s Concept of Affect

Samuel Beckett - Stories and Texts for Nothing, How it Is